Video of Surgical Technique for Laser Resection of T1 Vocal Cord Cancer.
Authors: Manuel Oliva Domínguez*, Jorge Roquette Gaona**
* Otolaryngologist, ** Professor of Otolaryngology
Institution: Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real (Cádiz) Spain
Video of Surgical Technique for Laser Resection of T1 Vocal Cord Cancer.
Authors: Manuel Oliva Domínguez*, Jorge Roquette Gaona**
* Otolaryngologist, ** Professor of Otolaryngology
Institution: Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real (Cádiz) Spain
Author: Dr. Jayant Watve M.S. (E.N.T.)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. D.Y.Patil Medical College, Kolhapur, India
Abstract: The management of puberphonia (the persistence of a high-pitched voice in males past puberty) has in the past been speech therapy. The author presents his results using an alternate surgery which involves performance of a direct laryngoscopy and stretching of the patient's vocal cords. Ten patients are reported and nine patients had good improvement in their voice with one or two treatments.
Author: Kevin T Kavanagh, MD, MS, FACS. Clinical Associate Professor, University of Kentucky, Department of Surgery, Division of Otolaryngology. Somerset, KY, USA.
Abstract: A treatment protocol for chronic otitis media is described using Gentian Violet, Ketoconazole Cream and iodine and dexamethasone drops. Because of the ototoxic nature of Gentian Violet. It should not be used in patients with tympanic membrane perforations
The patient was a 45 year old female with a conductive hearing loss in the left ear for last two years. Audiometric testing showed 45 dB air-bone gap. Exploration of the left ear revealed that stapes was mobile and so was the incus, but independently.
Gillie's Reduction of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex (ZMC) Fracture